
Email Marketing

Smart Program Design

Email is the channel that best summarizes your strength with data and creative assets. This includes how you segment users into lists, and what type of messaging and content assets you provide. From strategy, to content approach, measurement, and optimization, PI Marketing Group helps develop best practice infrastructure and process.

  • Email Program Strategy
  • Content Development & Direction
  • Data Segmentation
  • Inbox Email Delivery Optimization
  • Clean HTML Template Design
  • GDPR Compliance & Preference Center Configuration

Connecting Marketing, Sales and IT

Content Messaging: Support Online & Offline Content

Content, and specifically, content messaging is one of the biggest struggles organizations have. We view email as a unified messaging opportunity. We work with your stakeholders in a cross-functional capacity to understand user experience with online and office content. We repeat this process across segments, and across your product/service offering. Email is a powerful channel but will expose content asset gaps. To avoid bottlenecks and missed opportunities, our team can either provide, 1) content development resources, or 2) provide content direction to your in-house content team. 

Understanding Calls To Action

Email has the power to efficiently convert. To get the most out of email marketing it is crucial to document and plan how desired calls to action (CTA) will be incorporated into the email. Each email should have a primary CTA, and ideally a secondary set of CTAs. This may include directing clicks to a product/service page, a sign-up form, a download page, etc. How we drive traffic to these CTAs are examined within the email program's content messaging strategy. 

Clean HTML Email Templates

Emals that are on brand, and connect online and offline, require effective email templates and smart coding. Whether a message makes it to the inbox heavily depends on how clean the HTML code is. Emails are optimized for desktop and mobile devices viewing. Device optimization allows for ease of use, and ease of engagement with the email's message and desired calls to action. As part of our email template creation, we provide design assistance and template programming capabilities. This includes HTML/CSS code validation, link testing, and user engagement tagging.

Optimization & Refinement

Congrats! We have an email campaign that is performing well. How can we use content, list segmentation to make it better? The optimization approach lies in understanding data trends from past email sends. Refinements can range from testing alternative subject and preheader text, to changes in clickable links and CTAs. This process is an art and a science. These conversations are some of the most enjoyable for your team and ours.